
排球 排球运动是一项适合于各年龄层次的人参加的大众化体育运动,这个项目之所以深受人们的喜爱,是因其比赛激烈而不失安全性,注重个人技术而不失集体配合的独特魅力,且具有健身、强心、娱乐、交往及竞赛等特点。通过排球课程的学习使学生了解排球文化,掌握排球基本技术和基本理论。提高学生的身心健康,并能运用适宜的方法调节自身的情绪,改善心理状态,克服心理障碍,并培养良好的体育道德和团队协作精神,正确处理竞争与合作的关系,同时可以制定排球运动练习计划并能够指导排球运动的教学与训练,具备组织和参与排球竞赛的能力。 Volleyball is popular sports suitable for all age groups. It was deeply loved due toits unique charm, combining fierce competition and security, individualtechniques and collective cooperation.Still, the sports enjoy the characteristic of fitness, heart-strengthening, entertainment, interaction and competition, etc. The course will inform students of volleyball culture, basic techniques and theories. Improve students’ physical and mental health.Enable them to apply appropriate methods to adjust moods, improve psychological condition, overcome psychological barriers, cultivate good sportsmanship and teamwork spirit, and correctly handle the relationship between competition and cooperation. At the same time, students can learn to make up volleyball practice plans, guide volleyball teaching and training, and organize or participate in volleyball matches.

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